Sam and Claire Emison

Sam and Claire at Ten

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

We're Back!

Hi. Sam and I are back writing the blog now. It’s been eight whole years!  So, here are some of the best and most interesting things I’ve been doing:
  • Doing gymnastics at Tumble Kids USA for around five years, but I will be switching to the Gymnastics Academy of Boston (in Cambridge) in September
  • Sewing, knitting, finger knitting, ring knitting, weaving and more!
  • Reading over my Book Line which is all the books I want to read, that I want to read  again, or that I am considering getting rid of.
  • Winning poetry contests! I won the Cambridge 16th Annual Poetry Contest with my poem Launch!.
Here are some of the things I have been doing in the past eight years:
  • Playing soccer on intown, but I switched to travel team two years ago.
  • I have also been in the chess club at my school.
  • I have been building lots of Lego sets. Some of the best ones that I’ve built are:
          Hogwarts, Imperial shuttle, Obi Wan's starfighter and this train:
  • Also, last summer, Claire and I went to a sleepaway camp in New Hampshire, called Wildwood.
  • I also have been kayaking in Maine.


  • At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's a great summary of the last six years of your lives, but what are you doing now? Has your Summer vacation started. Are you going on any trips over the Summer?


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